Position Title
- Ph.D., Linguistics, UC San Diego, 1996
Raúl Aranovich is a theoretical linguist working on the interfaces between syntax, morphology, and semantics. His research focuses on grammatical mismatches between these levels. Professor Aranovich specializes in the grammars of Spanish and other romance languages, but also Fijian and Shona. He employs empirical methods using natural language processing and corpus linguistics tools, which recently have lead him to work on computer-mediated communication. He earned a Ph.D. in linguistics from UC San Diego in 1996, under the direction of Profs. S.-Y. Kuroda and John Moore. He has been at UC Davis since 2001, and is currently an associate professor. He held faculty positions at the Ohio State University and the University of Texas in San Antonio before joining UC Davis.
Research Focus
Language Structure and Theory: Syntax and morphology; descriptive, typological, and corpus linguistics; Spanish, Fijian, Shona
Aranovich, R., and A. Wong. 2022. “Saussure’s Cours and the Monosyllabic Myth: Perception of Chinese in Early Linguistic Theory.” Language & History. DOI: 10.1080/17597536.2022.2088002 [PDF]
Aranovich, Raúl, Muting Wu, Dian Yu, Katya Katsy, Benyamin Ahmadnia, Matthew Bishop, Vladimir Filkov, and Kenji Sagae. (2021). Beyond NVD: Cybersecurity meets the Semantic Web. In New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 59–69. https://doi.org/10.1145/3498891.3501259 [PDF]
Aranovich, R. (2018). Impersonal Reflexives in Romance and Slavic. In: Brian Joseph and Iliana Krapova (eds.), Balkan syntax and (universal) principles of grammar. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. 87-98. [PDF]
Aranovich, R. (2016) Language as a complex algebra: Post-structuralism and inflectional morphology in Saussure’s Cours, Semiotica 2016(208): 133-154 [PDF]
Aranovich, R. (2016) A partitioned chi-square analysis of variation in Spanish clitic doubling: the case of dar 'give'. Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 23(3). [PDF]
Aranovich, R. (2015a) Realizational morphology beyond the lexicon: Synthetic and periphrastic verbs in Shona, Language Sciences 51:54-66 [PDF]
Aranovich, R. (2015b). Fijian weak quantification as head-internal relativization. In Amber Camp, Yuko Otsuka, Claire Stabile, Nozomi Tanaka (eds.) Proceedings of AFLA 21. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics. 1-14 [PDF]
Aranovich, R. (2013) Transitivity and Polysynthesis in Fijian, Language 89(3):465-500 [PDF]
Aranovich, R. (2013) Mismatched Spanish Unaccusativity Tests, In From Quirky Case to Representing Space: Papers in Honor of Annie Zaenen, Publisher: CSLI Publications, Tracy Holloway King and Valeria de Paiva (Eds.), pp.33-45. [PDF]
Aranovich, R. (2009) 'Feature-based argument mapping and animacy optimization in impersonal passives.' Linguistics 47(3). 619-652
Aranovich, R. (2007) 'Negative polarity and scalar semantics in Spanish.' Lingvisticae Investigationes 30. 181-216
Aranovich, R. (ed.) (2007) Split Auxiliary Systems: A Cross-linguistic Perspective. Dordrecht: Benjamins.
Aranovich, R. (2003) 'The semantics of auxiliary selection in Old Spanish.' Studies in Language 27:1, 1-37. [PDF]
Fellow, Linguistic Society of America