The M.A. program gives students a solid education in general linguistics. Students earn a master's degree by completing a combination of coursework and an in-depth research paper.

The M.A. curriculum is designed as a terminal, stand-alone program, and can be useful for students who are preparing for a Ph.D. program in linguistics. In addition, students who are enrolled in the Ph.D. program may earn an M.A. degree en route if they wish. Students must complete 36 to 38 units of coursework, at least 18 units of which must consist of graduate-level courses in the major field. Each candidate must pass a comprehensive final examination in the major subject. No thesis is required.
The normative time for completion of the M.A. program in linguistics is six quarters.
- Prerequisites
To be eligible for the program, applicants must first complete the equivalent of at least one course from each of the following subject areas:
- Syntax (e.g., LIN 103B, LIN 131)
- Phonology (e.g., LIN 103A, LIN 111)
Applicants also must have completed the equivalent of at least two other language structure courses in one or more other areas, such as Phonetics (e.g., LIN 112), Morphology (e.g., LIN 121), Semantics (e.g., LIN 141), or Comparative/Historical Linguistics (e.g., LIN 150, LIN 151, LIN 152).
The abbreviation "LIN" designates courses in the Department of Linguistics.
Examine the M.A. degree requirements in greater detail in the current Graduate Student Handbook. - Roadmap to M.A. Completion
Thank you to Dr. Julia Menard-Warwick for creating this guide for M. A. students!
- First steps: Check frequently with Stephanie Fallas,, the staff Graduate Coordinator, in person, frequently, about paperwork requirements, which are subject to change.
- Course work: Talk to a grad advisor regularly, at least yearly, perhaps quarterly. Familiarize yourself with page 3 of the Graduate Student Handbook (as revised in 2022).
- Language requirement: Demonstrate competence in a language besides English. Talk to a grad advisor about your plans, and consult page 5 of the Graduate Student Handbook.
- Major professor: By the end of your first year or beginning of your second year, identify a major
professor from the Linguistics Graduate Group, based on shared research interests. Talk to a grad advisor if you need help.
- Advancement to candidacy: when you finalize your coursework plan, file the Advancement to candidacy form for MA, which you can get from the Graduate Coordinator (currently Stephanie). You will need to pay the candidacy fee at the Cashier’s Office.
- MA comprehensive examination paper: Students should complete this paper by the end of second year at the latest, but it is advisable to start as early as possible, preferably around the end of year one, when you have identified a major professor. Read more about the comprehensive examination on page 7 of the Graduate Student Handbook. Here is the process you should follow:
1. Determine a topic in consultation with your major professor.
2. Set up a committee of two other professors who are willing to read the paper. Fill out the Committee Members form and submit it to the Graduate Coordinator for placement in the student academic file. This should be done by approximately November 1 of your second year.
3. Write an abstract and send it to your major professor and rest of committee; revise if asked to do so. This should be done by the end of fall quarter of your second year.
4. Work on a first draft of the paper with your major professor, then send to the rest of the committee by approximately May 1 of your second year; revise if asked to do so.
5. When completed to the satisfaction of your committee, fill out the Report on comprehensive exam for MA.
- Final Step: File the Report of completion of MA.