Graduate students are eligible for travel expense reimbursement from the Department of Linguistics for presenting papers or posters at an eligible conference.

The graduate student travel award is for travel between July 1 and June 30 of a given academic year.
Travel reimbursement policy and procedures:
- The conference for which reimbursement is requested must occur in the year for which the allowance is being used.
- To receive a travel award, you must fill out and submit a Travel Reimbursement Form. This can be done as soon as you have an abstract accepted for a conference.
- Reimbursable expenses include travel and lodging costs, conference registration fees, meals, and materials (including posters and handouts).
- Costs incurred for materials are reimbursable up to a maximum of $120 per event.
- This funding may be used to supplement any travel expense grant from any other source, including the Office of Graduate Studies travel awards
- In no event can funds received exceed reported expenses.
- Check with the Graduate Coordinator to find out about current procedures for submitting an expense report with receipts.
Guide to applying for funding
For more information, download A Guide to Applying for Funding for Research, Travel, and Language Study for Linguistics Graduate Students. This document contains detailed information about research awards, fellowships for linguistic research of all types, and the processes of applying for grants and preparing budgets. It includes a list of pre-dissertation, travel, language study, dissertation, postdoctoral, and general UC awards and funding organizations. It also includes examples of successful funding proposals that UC Davis linguistics graduate students have prepared.