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UC Office of the President Awards Research Grant to UC-wide Team - Leveraging California's linguistic diversity to improve large language models

Linguists from six UC campuses, including UC Davis, were awarded a multi-campus grant through the UC Multicampus Research Programs and Initiatives. Together with linguists from UC Santa Cruz, UC Santa Barbara, UC Merced, UC Irvine, and UCLA, they will be studying the intersection of language technology and language diversity. They will be asking how new language technologies such as ChatGPT respond to diverse language varieties, and how we can improve such technologies to better support the language diversity of the California population.

Emily Morgan Receives 3-year NSF Grant - Generalization versus item-specificity in language processing and change

Emily Morgan was awarded a three-year NSF grant on "Generalization versus item-specificity in language processing and change". The project will investigate how speakers of a language use both the ability to generalize and their knowledge of specific previously-encountered items. For example, speakers know that the past tense of a novel verb glorp is glorped but the past tense of run is the irregular ran. But the relationship between these two systems remains a subject of intense debate.

Spring 2024 Colloquium - Rachel Ryskin - Language adaptation across timescales

Abstract: Language is a complex system. Each individual speaker’s behavior reflects myriad social and cognitive processes. Jointly all these speakers’ behaviors give rise to the patterns of language use which can be observed in corpora. This system is also adaptive: a speaker’s behavior is based on their past interactions. And these interrelated patterns of experience affect how the language changes over time. In this talk, I will discuss some new work on the relationship between adaptation at the individual speaker level and diachronic change at the language level.

Melissa Gomes Wins Public Scholars for the Future Fellowship

Congrats to Melissa Gomes (Linguistics PhD student, advisor: Aranovich) for receiving a Public Scholars for the Future Fellowship for the 2024-2025 academic year! The "program prepares the next generation of public scholars to integrate community-centered theories, methods and techniques into their disciplinary field of study, research design and methods".

Click the link below to learn more about Melissa's project on Konkani, her family's heritage language:

Spring 2024 Colloquium - Liesl Yamaguchi - The Colors of the Universal Alphabet

Abstract: Born of a political will to standardize regional pronunciation and to contend with the many non-European languages of overseas Empires, the “universal alphabets” that emerged across Europe in the mid-nineteenth century sought to devise a single set of symbols capable of transcribing all possible sounds of human speech. How does one even envision such sounds? What models emerge to enable their anticipation? This chapter tells the story of the prominent and persistent model that presents vocalic sound in the image of a color triangle.

Spring 2024 Colloquium - Laurel Lawyer - Getting Ahead of Prefixes

Abstract: In this talk, I present work exploring the storage of prefixes, and the processing of prefixed words.  Although much theoretical work has addressed complex words and the role affixes play in the construction of meaning (cf. Taft & Forster, 1975; Schreuder & Baayen, 1995; Marslen-Wilson & Tyler, 2007), nearly all of this discussion is couched in arguments about compositionality and semantic opacity.

Spring 2024 Colloquium - Alexis Wellwood - Graded Plurals and Indeterminacy

Abstract: The compositional semantics of a sentence like (1a) is relatively uncontroversial, but no consensus about that of a sentence like (1b) has yet been achieved.

 (1) a. The red dot is bigger than the blue dot.

    b. The red dots are bigger than the blue dots.

Kristen Kennedy Terry and Bob Bayley Publish New Book Titled: "Social Network Analysis in Second Language Research Theory and Methods"

Congratulations to Dr. Kristen Kennedy Terry (UC Santa Cruz) and Dr. Bob Bayley (UC Davis) for publishing "Social Network Analysis in Second Language Research: Theory and Methods"! Click the link below for more information.


Georgia Zellou Becomes a UC Davis Chancellor's Fellow

Congratulations to Dr. Georgia Zellou for becoming a UC Davis Chancellor's Fellow! "Chancellor’s Fellow" is a title given to early career academics doing exemplary work. Recipients carry the title for five years and are awarded $25,000 in unrestricted philanthropic support for research or other scholarly work.

Sophia Minnillo Wins Graduate Student Award from the American Association for Applied Linguistics

Congrats to Sophia Minnillo (Linguistics PhD student, advisor: Sánchez-Gutiérrez) for receiving the Graduate Student Award from the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)! This competitive, merit-based award supports the attendance of AAAL graduate student members at the annual conference, which will take place this March in Houston, Texas.

Click the link below to learn more about the award:

Jeremy Rud Wins Elizabeth Pine Dayton Award

Congrats to Jeremy Rud (Linguistics PhD student, advisor: Ramanathan) for receiving the Elizabeth Pine Dayton Award! This competitive travel award enables qualified graduate students interested in pursuing topics in sociolinguistics to attend the Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting in January 2024.