Brennan Tyler Gonering

Brennan Gonering Portrait

Position Title
Graduate Student

Kerr 260


  • M.A., Linguistics ― UC Davis, 2020
  • B.S., Neurobiology (minor in Linguistics) ― UC Irvine, 2018

Research Focus

Neurobiology of language, syntax, psycholinguistics, language acquisition & learning


Gonering, B., & Morgan, E. (2020). Processing effort is a poor predictor of cross-linguistic word order frequency. In Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (pp. 245-255). doi: 10.18653/v1/2020.conll-1.18


Teaching Assistant

  • Lin 175, Biological Basis of Language (F21)
  • Lin 1, Introduction to Linguistics (F18, W19, F19, W20, S20, F20, S21)
  • Lin 131, Introduction to Syntactic Theory (S19)


  • Hot Topics in Science & Technology, English for Science & Technology program, UC Davis Continuing & Professional Education |International (Summer, 2018)